
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

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3.5 Stars (3.5 / 5)

It took me a while to get into Attachments, but in the end I was hooked! This is Chick Lit through and through, basically a rom-com with little substance or merit, but just plain feel-good fun. As I said, it takes a while to get in to. I found myself focused on Jennifer and Beth’s emails in the beginning, which are fun but a bit banal, when what I really needed to realize that this is far more Lincoln’s story then theirs.

Lincoln is the geeky guy, lacking in social skills and confidence, and as such is just kind of floating through life without a direction. Working in IT Security, he spends his nights reading flagged company emails and feeling terrible about it. That’s how he comes to know Jennifer and Beth, meeting them through the emails they write to each other. Through the roller coaster ride that is their friendship, we see them through a lot…and so does Lincoln. When he realizes he’s developing feelings for Beth, he knows he can never do anything about it because of how much he’s already violated their privacy (even if it was his job).

What I really loved about this novel was Lincoln’s personal growth. It’s about him learning confidence, independence, and self-worth. And it’s only after he starts to love and respect himself that he gets the girl. Overall a cute and fun romantic romp, plus a story of self-discovery and growth. Nothing new or unique about it, but sometimes you just want something light and easy.


The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee

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3 Stars (3 / 5)

The Thousandth Floor #1
The Thousandth Floor is like a train wreck that you can’t stop watching. Its full of vapid trust fund youths with a lot of first world problems. You have some classic troupes: riches to rags, forbidden love, drug addiction, crazy jilted love; but all of it is set within the glamorous life of the rich and famous in a near-future society. It’s a quick, super trashy, chick-lit story without a lot of substance, held together by the fact that you know someone is going to die at the end, but who?

While the novel does touch on some important issues, nothing is given enough attention to be of value. I was slightly angered by the prolific drug and alcohol use, as I think it sets a poor example for the intended audience (teens). I just don’t like it when these things are seen as “cool” instead of as dangerous and life-altering as they can be, at least when your audience is the very people that you should be instilling with positive values. There are no good role models in this book, not a lot of redeeming quality, but it is entertaining in a sick way, and I did enjoy it for what it was. Just be warned not to have high expectations.