
Gone by Michael Grant

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Gone #1
There was so much going on in Gone, it’s hard to know where to start. We jump right into the action in the beginning, when everyone over the age of 14 suddenly disappears. No warning, just a sudden “poof” and they’re gone. So you have a bunch of kids trying to keep order in a world that suddenly has no adults. Oh, and some of the kids have developed super powers. And animals are mutating. And there is a huge electrified wall surrounding the town that prevents escape or rescue from the outside.

With so many elements, it seems like this book is just a train wreck waiting to happen. But somehow, Grant makes it all work! At first I had a little trouble wrapping my head around what was going on, but I was following the same discovery arc as the characters, and feeling their confusion and frustration. And slowly we start to learn more, start to understand more, just as more questions are thrust at us. And in the mad rush of sci-fi weirdness, we are fighting against the bullies struggling to grab power in a chaotic world.

Sam’s character growth and development is great! He’s a natural leader, who doesn’t really want to be a leader. But he cares about people, and that makes him instinctively take charge when other people won’t. So he finds himself at odds with the power hungry who want everything for themselves. And though he tries to shirk the responsibility at first, he eventually has no choice but to lead the charge. Someone has to do something, and that someone is Sam.

Overall, the story really grew on me. It does sometimes drag a bit (Sam constantly seems to be running from something), but really picks up in the later half of the book. I think part of my reluctance to latch onto the story had to do with my issues with the audio narrator, more than the story itself. (For the record, I found the narrator’s natural speaking voice nasally and grating, but this totally disappeared when he was voicing characters. Made for an odd listening experience.) While not the type of genre I normally gravitate to, I will definitely be picking up the rest of the series.


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

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Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy #1
What an utterly bizarre, yet entertaining book! For originality, I have to say that The Hicthhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has to get top marks, creating a unique and original interstellar universe that is full of strange creatures and customs. Predictability is not a problem in this series, as something new and strange seems to happen around just about every turn. Unfortunately, a side effect of this weird and strange plotline was that it often felt disconnected and vague. I still very much enjoyed it though, despite all of its absurdity. If you are open to something a little more silly than serious, than give Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy a try.

I listed to this book on audio, and I have to say that the narrator, Stephen Fry, did an amazing job. I think something about the ridiculousness of the story just comes across so much better with a proper english accent. He gave just the right inflection and feeling to his reading and really engaged the listener, making this one of the best audiobooks I’ve listened to.


Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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The Illuminae Files #2
Oh man I love this series! A great continuation to the series, with a fantastic story and great new characters. Hanna kicks some serious ass! While I loved the story in this one, I don’t think the style quite lived up to the magic of the first (there just wasn’t quite the variety of documentation and formatting that was in the first novel), but it was still awesome. I look forward to seeing how our two stories come together in the next installment.


Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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The Illuminae Files #1
Damn Illuminae! Just Damn! That was arguably the most creative piece of literature I have ever experienced. And I do mean experience! From the format, to the changing perspective, to the alliterative beauty (and terror) of the AI, Illuminae is not to be missed. It’s so ridiculously creative it makes me sick…in a good way! Absolutely loved the unique style and structure that told a breathtakingly beautiful story. While at first the constantly shifting perspectives and styles of documentation were a little jarring, I soon found myself falling into and devouring the story. I am super excited to share the book with others, and I can’t wait until the sequel comes out in a few weeks.