Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

4.5 Stars (4.5 / 5)

Rebel of the Sands #1
This book was super fun! I absolutely adored the mash-up of old school western and arabian mythology. Amani’s character is just wonderful. I loved seeing her grow: from the small town girl, just looking to get out, into an strong woman with purpose and drive. I love her fierce independence, especially in light of the male-dominated society. I’ve always had a soft spot for girls dressing up as guys, and Amani makes no apologies for it. She does what she has to get what she wants, and damn the consequences!

The pacing was fast and really drove the story forward nicely. Unfortunately, I don’t feel like there was as much character development for some of the side character’s as I would have liked, but there will be time for that in the sequels. Jin too I feel could do with a bit more character development and background exploration, now that we know a bit more about where he came from. I have high hopes that the sequel will delve into some of these character a bit more (especially Shazad, I just loved her).

Overall, an exciting desert adventure with gunslinging, magic, and a brewing rebellion. What more could you want?

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